What permissions does Tempy need and why does it need them?
Down below you can see the minimum permissions Tempy needs for use, if the permissions are not against Tempy will not create a channel or will indicate during setup that these permissions are missing. Click here to get to the troubleshooting for missing permissions.
Needed Permissions for Voice Creation:
The Permission
Tempy's Usage
Tempy needs this permission to be able to see all channels and to be able to do the things mentioned below at all, without seeing a channel none can be created, neither
can they be managed then.
Manage Channels
Tempy needs this permission to create and manage the Temp channels, as it is the main feature of the bot.
Manage Roles
Tempy needs this permission to be able to set advanced permissions in the newly created channels, these overwrites are necessary for the channel commands and more. This permission is also being used on the channel creation to set overwrites, due to people gets the permission to manage the channel they've created.
Move Members
Tempy needs this permission to be able to move members from the Creation Channel to their Temp Channel, this permission is also necessary for the Channel Commands (e.g. the block command would kick the blocked user out of the channel, this can only be managed with Move Members being enabled.)
Tempy needs this permission to be able to perform the above mentioned overwrites, this permission serves the channel commands and is required to give Tempy the permission itself.
All permissions will also be given to owners of Temp channels (as an overwrite).
Needed Permissions for Textchannel Creation:
Should one of the following permissions be missing, no text channels will be created.
The Permission
Tempy's Usage
Send Messages*
This permission will be given to the owner as an overwrite in their Tempy Textchannel, since you can't grant permissions without having the permission itself this is required.
Read Messages
This permission will be given to the owner as an overwrite in their Tempy Textchannel, since you can't grant permissions without having the permission itself this is required.
Add Reactions
This permission will be given to the owner as an overwrite in their Tempy Textchannel, since you can't grant permissions without having the permission itself this is required.
Embed Links
This permission will be given to the owner as an overwrite in their Tempy Textchannel, since you can't grant permissions without having the permission itself this is required.
Attach Files
This permission will be given to the owner as an overwrite in their Tempy Textchannel, since you can't grant permissions without having the permission itself this is required.
Read Message History
This permission will be given to the owner as an overwrite in their Tempy Textchannel, since you can't grant permissions without having the permission itself this is required.
External Emojis
This permission will be given to the owner as an overwrite in their Tempy Textchannel, since you can't grant permissions without having the permission itself this is required.
This permission will be given to the owner as an overwrite in their Tempy Textchannel, since you can't grant permissions without having the permission itself this is required.
* This permission can be turned off if you don't want Tempy to have access in every text channel.
Last updated