Change log
All changes for Tempy, including bug fixes, as well as new features and new commands
Tempy 2.0.5
Published at: 16.01.2023
Below you can see all the changes made with the above mentioned version of Tempy.
Tempy's performance has been improved for a faster and more efficient experience.
Tempy 2.0.4
Published at: 15.01.2023
Below you can see all the changes made with the above mentioned version of Tempy.
Many processes were outsourced that slowed down Tempy, these processes are now running on other bot instances as Tempy Community.
Command mentions in response texts are now clickable.
The status page for Tempy officially launched, it updates every 10 seconds for every single shard and bot instance of Tempy. Check it out here!
Tempy 2.0.3
Published at: 05.01.2023
Below you can see all the changes made with the above mentioned version of Tempy.
From now on, the password command is only visible to the person who executed it, thus protecting the password that was entered.
All commands from now on have a loading indicator, this allows the request more time and prevents the often occurring "The application did not respond" error.
Manual command not responding successfully fixed.
As far as someone reaches the highest vote tier (currently tier 3) they'll get the message "You have reached the maximum number of votes for this tier" instead of how many votes they need to reach the next tier.
Fixed the bug that Tempy wouldn't create Tempy channels after setting a global or local configuration of a category
Tempy now will take the Tempy channel count and the voice channel count as arguments for the Tempy tags
Tempy 2.0.2
Published at: 04.01.2023
Below you can see all the changes made with the above mentioned version of Tempy.
Rewritten the Tempy cache system from synchronous, to asynchronous processing of requests The implementation of asynchronous processing for the Tempy cache system represents a significant optimization of the application's request handling capabilities. By leveraging the inherent concurrency of asynchronous programming, we are able to significantly improve the speed and responsiveness of Tempy, resulting in a superior user experience.
We have fixed a bug that prevented the creation of Tempy channels upon entering them, allowing users to create channels at any time. This improvement to the Tempy cache system enhances the user experience.
Tempy 2.0.1
Published at: 04.01.2023
Below you can see all the changes made with the above mentioned version of Tempy.
Added /server autoremove With this command Tempy searches for unused Tempy channels and creating-channels and deletes them from the database and the Discord server.
Removed task to search for unused creating-channels It didn't work as it was intended
Changed /global remove to /server remove
Last updated