🛠ī¸Understanding the Functionality of Tempy Tags

The Tempy tag is a tool that allows users to reference dynamic information within the Tempy Bot. Understanding its functionality is key to effectively using the bot and customizing its behavior.

What are Tempy Tags?

The Tempy tag is a special tool that can be used within the Tempy Discord bot to reference information about a user or guild. By using the Tempy tag in a specific format, the bot is able to replace the tag with the corresponding information at runtime. This allows users to customize the behavior of Tempy and tailor it to their specific needs. In this documentation, we will be discussing the functionality of the Tempy tag and how it can be effectively used within the Tempy Discord bot. Understanding the use and capabilities of the Tempy tag is essential for making the most of the features offered by Tempy.

How Do Tempy Tags Work?

Copy and paste the Tempy tag(s) shown in the table to customize the Tempy channel names during setup or configuration.

  • /global name {user}'s Channel Any temporary channels created will be named after the user who created them, followed by "'s Channel". So if a user with the name "ARealWant" and the descriminator "0001" creates a new channel, the channel will be named "ARealWant#0001's Channel".

  • /global name {user.name}'s Channel Any temporary channels created will be named after the user who created them, followed by "'s Channel". So if a user with the name "ARealWant" creates a new channel, it will be named "ARealWant's Channel".

  • /global name #{tempy_count} | {user.name}'s Channel Any temporary channels created will be named with a number representing the order in which they were created, followed by a pipe symbol "|" and the name of the user who created them, followed by "'s Channel". So if a user with the name "ARealWant" creates a new channel, it will be named "#1 | ARealWant's Channel" if it is the first channel created, "#2 | ARealWant's Channel" if it is the second channel created, and so on.

Tempy TagDescriptionReplaced Examples


References the amount of Tempy voice channels



References the amount of all voice channels



References the user object.



References the name of the user.



References the discriminator of the user.



References the unique ID of the user.



References the date and time the user account was created.

2022-05-31 18:35:21


References the name of the guild.

My favourite server!


References the unique ID of the guild.



References the number of members in the guild.



References the date and time the guild was created.

2022-05-31 18:35:21

Last updated